Find the Best Value Creation Consultants

They identify initiatives like automation and cost optimization to boost profitability. Working with the consultants introduces the right business optimization strategy to capture the best opportunities and grow revenues.
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Find the Best Value Creation Consultants

They identify initiatives like automation and cost optimization to boost profitability. Working with the consultants introduces the right business optimization strategy to capture the best opportunities and grow revenues.
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Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants

What Do Value Creation Consultants Do?

They provide a fact-based assessment of where a business is and where it is headed. Using a three-pronged approach of assessing a business’s current state, identifying opportunities, and designing an execution plan, they assist companies to thrive in a competitive environment. To achieve these outcomes, value creation consultants employ expert insights touching on capital efficiency, revenue growth, enterprise value, and process improvement.

Working with value creation consultants unlocks data-driven insights for a business, aligning commercial resources with high-impact opportunities like robotic automation, ERP implementation, and cloud computing. Using best-in-class business optimization strategies, value creation consultants empower businesses to rapidly unlock profitability while maintaining sustainable cost efficiencies across all business aspects.

Practical Use Cases

Most In-Demand Services of Value Creation Consultants

Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants
Identify new strategies based on mega trends, customer insights and innovation analytics to boost your value creation
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Workshop Conduction
Leverage your employees creativity and break habitual behaviour to create room for new ideas in your organization for long-term effects
Value Creation Consultants, Value Creation Consultants
Need Assessment
Discover unmet needs of your customers to increase your USP

Why Hire Value Creation Consultants?

They introduce transparency and proficiency to the process of identifying, analyzing, and pursuing value creation opportunities through expert insights and industry experience. They collaborate with internal cross-functional teams from finance, operations, and marketing to explore potential opportunities and map out a cost-effective execution plan that encompasses value levers like technology, optimization, and efficiency. Undertaking rigorous analysis in collaboration with the business, value creation specialists formulate detailed operating plans, efficient implementation timetables, and an actionable business optimization strategy that result in significant EBITDA growth and enhanced cash flow.

Moreover, they offer crucial insights in the following areas:

Data-Driven Business Assessment

Capitalizing on value opportunities relies on a clear understanding of internal factors driving operations, finance, and sales plus external factors such as competitors, suppliers, and market innovations. They offer expert insights into these factors by designing and implementing business assessment matrices that account for relative market share, product portfolios/business units, post-merger integration, costs, market access, growth drivers, and differentiators. Opting to utilize these experts’ value creation services can help a company better understand its capacity to pursue current or new opportunities while informing the divestiture of initiatives that may impact its ability to generate future value.

Opportunity Identification and Analysis

Value creation consultants provide a data-driven analysis of viable value-creation opportunities that can be pursued cost-effectively. They explore opportunity identification drivers, including value proposition, target market, market size, and the competitive landscape to generate actionable insights to inform C-Suite decisions. Besides, they map data extracted from these drivers onto internal levers such as differentiators, go-to-market-strategies, and solution requirements to create a practical and cost-effective business optimization strategy capable of yielding exceptional results. Leveraging value creation services ensures a business has the right facts on hand before pursuing an opportunity.

Business Optimization Strategy

Through commercial organization and precise planning, value creation consultants help businesses position themselves to capture the most value from identified opportunities. Within the business optimization strategy, value creation experts ensure the right skills and resources are in place, as well as suitable corporate governance structures to guarantee accountability throughout the value creation process. During the plan execution phase, businesses can rely on value creation specialists to design and carry out a step-based action plan that aligns internal commercial resources and capabilities with generating sustainable bottom-line value. Companies working with such experts can expect to capture value from identified opportunities through increased revenue generation and equity appreciation.

Hiring Value Creation Consultants through Consultport is Simple

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1. What makes Consultport Value Creation Consultants different?

Consultport takes pride in the detailed screening process that enables us to match you with candidates of the highest caliber. Our expert pool is chosen based on experience, personal interviews, and references. What does this mean for you? Handpicked consultants with thorough know-how for your needs.

2. Is hiring Value Creation Consultants through Consultport in less than 48 hours possible?

In most cases, we can propose a potential candidate within a few working days. It depends on the complexity of the request and the time availability of the consultants. We are always committed to providing you with suitable candidates as fast as possible.

3. What does the “no-risk, pay only if satisfied” mean when I search for Consultport Value Creation Consultants?

We are always fully committed to providing you with the highest service. Therefore, when you need Value Creation Consultants, we offer you the request, search, and proposal stages completely free of charge. Every consultant has a different rate, which we communicate to you, with no strings attached.
Value Creation Consultants are in High Demand

Tips on How to Hire Value Creation Consultants

Hiring value creation consultants provides a company with additional leverage to better identify, understand, quantify, and capture the right value opportunities while avoiding potential losses associated with pursuing the wrong ones. By hiring a competent and experienced value creation specialist, a company can successfully undertake value creation initiatives such as automation, supply chain optimization, sales and distribution reengineering, and Target Operating Model (TOM) implementation.

Bringing on the right value creation advisor can significantly boost revenues and mitigate potential cost centers in areas such as production and inventory. Through carefully thought-out insights, value creation specialists can help your business create a practical and actionable business optimization strategy that can be executed quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

When selecting your ideal value creation consultant on Consultport, consider filtering your selection panel based on the specific skills and capabilities outlined below:

Business Analysis Expertise

The best value creation consultants act as change agents, utilizing strong business analysis skills to introduce and manage change within your company’s unique context. They understand that as companies grow, technologies and competitive environments evolve, meaning what worked in the past may not work now. Using a combination of this birds-eye-view perspective and expert business analysis skills, they can successfully guide your business to the right value creation choices.

In-Depth Knowledge of Technology Trends

Technology trends can bolster or eradicate a business’s competitive advantage in short order. Top value creation consultants understand this correlation and have a relentless devotion to keeping abreast of technology trends in their industries. Hiring the right specialist can help your business quickly move on a technology trend, outpacing the competition to create a significant competitive advantage while mitigating any risks the trend presents.

Target Industry Experience

Your business's value creation consultant should have extensive experience working in your industry. Industry experience is especially crucial in value creation because only an industry expert can see how different factors such as technology, optimization, and market trends can add value. By hiring a value creation specialist with industry experience, you can get straight to work without needing a lengthy onboarding process.

Market Size and Location Experience

Best-fit value creation experts have experience working within your company’s market size range and location. They understand the nuanced approach different market sizes and locations merit, including the scope of investments, governance, partnerships, legislation, and licensing. Hiring a specialist with this experience will enable your business to expedite its value creation execution plan, leaning on the consultant's thoughtful guidance.

C-Suite Communications Capability

Value creation often comes with significant investments and organizational change. The best value creation experts understand how to navigate the C-suite and cultivate buy-in from leaders and stakeholders. As part of their communications repertoire, they bring data-driven insights, consensus-building recommendations, test-based analyses, and action-oriented plans to the table, offering a strong case for change to company leadership.

Financial and Business Modeling Experience

Top value creation consultants bring extensive financial modeling and forecasting experience, giving them the ability to model how different initiatives will impact a company’s revenues, cash flow, and overall bottom line. They utilize their strong business modeling skills to understand how other business models will affect your entire business’s profitability, including that of adjacent business units, products, or service lines.

Project Management Skills

Since any new initiative will be approached as a new project, the best value creation experts have project management skills and experience. While you may hire a dedicated project manager to run the initiative's execution plan, hiring a value creation expert with project management experience will ensure it is conceived, organized, and communicated in a project-based format. This approach is an essential ingredient in ensuring it can be easily quantified, resourced, and deployed.

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