5 Examples of Great Top-Tier Consulting Advertisements

5 Examples of Great Top-Tier Consulting Advertisements
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5 Examples of Great Top-Tier Consulting Advertisements

Advertisements - some people like them, some people don’t, but they most certainly work. Advertisements used by big consulting firms have helped them stay in business for decades and generate billions of dollars.

Independent consultants usually don’t have a million-dollar advertising budget, but they should examine these consulting marketing strategies and apply the lessons in their own freelance career.

In this article, we have compiled a list of 5 top tier consulting advertisements. Some of them are direct advertisements, while others are indirect. But they were all created for the marketing of consulting services.

Now, let’s take a look at the list of consulting advertisements.

1. The Unilever Case Study by Accenture

Marketing of consulting services is incomplete without case studies. Consulting is one of those professions in which you will be judged by the results you produce. Apparently, Accenture knows this very well and that’s why they created a print ad campaign to promote their case study. This consulting advertisement shows a young woman with flying hair (depicting that she’s a user of Unilever’s hair-care products) and the words: “€1 Billion in savings for Unilever. Without any tangles.”

Accenture helped Unilever, a giant corporation with operations in 100+ countries, simplify and standardize their business processes worldwide. This helped Unilever save a whopping billion euros and cut the time for a new IT system rollout in half.

Independent consultants should also have a few case studies through which they can demonstrate their competence. That’s how you can win the trust of new clients.

This new campaign is the next chapter in the evolution of Accenture’s successful ‘High performance. Delivered.’ brand positioning - Roxanne Taylor, Accenture

2. ‘The McKinsey Way’, a Book by an Ex-McKinsey Consultant

The McKinsey Way is a book written by Ethan Rasiel, a consultant who used to work in the New York office of McKinsey & Company. This book is rated 4.4 out of 5 on Amazon. Now, even though this book was not directly produced by the company, it helps the author advertise both the company and himself. This book is about how the company and its consultants solve complex problems for their powerful clients. Think about it: there have been so many consultants who have worked at McKinsey, but only Ethan Rasiel was smart and creative enough to come up with a book like this. He later co-authored a similar book called The McKinsey Mind.

If you have substantial experience working with big consulting firms and have something interesting to share, then there are thousands of aspiring consultants and potential clients who may want to read your book. Independent consultants should always focus on building a personal brand. It’s not always about the marketing of consulting services, sometimes, you should also advertise your personal brand.

3. ‘Since Day One’, a consulting video advertisement by KPMG

Even though KPMG was formed in 1987, the firm’s history dates back all the way to the year 1897. The company released a video ad on YouTube titled Since Day One. If you haven’t watched it yet, then you should - it’s pretty powerful and takes branding to a whole different level. The ad shows how KPMG has not just provided services to its clients but have also helped our society by protecting democracy, saving financial institutions from collapse, offering assistance in bringing hostages home from foreign clutches, and much more.

Independent consultants should use this consulting marketing strategy as well. Even though case studies that show what results you have produced for previous clients are good, you could crank it up a notch and discuss how those results changed your client’s life.

YouTube video

Here’s an example: Sarah is a digital transformation consultant. Her client, a restaurant chain, faced a huge loss due to lockdowns. Sarah then stepped in and helped them create processes for online food ordering and delivery. By doing this, she didn’t just save a business, she saved a family from bankruptcy.

Do you notice the difference? The story that’s mentioned above is way more interesting than ‘My strategy helped a client increase their sales by 200% in 3 months’. So, tell a story whenever possible instead of using a professional tone and filling up a case study with stats. After all, we are humans and we tend to remember stories, not numbers.

4. ‘Business Interrupted’ Series on CNBC by Ernst and Young

Ernst and Young has partnered with CNBC to feature their Business Interrupted series on the network. The episodes are directed towards business executives who are trying to navigate their way through the COVID-19 crisis. EY experts help companies by offering them practical tips and strategies to ensure they are able to sail through this storm and emerge stronger than before.

YouTube video

Even independent consultants should try to partner with media outlets or famous YouTube channels and offer free advice. If you’re a freelance consultant who wants exposure, then this is the strategy you should adopt. At this time of crisis, people are looking for problem solvers. If you can get your video or articles published on platforms that your target audience visits regularly, you’d most likely be on their radar.

5. ‘Challenge Yourself’, consulting video advertisement by Boston Consulting Group

Marketing of consulting services requires a lot of energy and passion. The Challenge Yourself video ad by BCG is a great example of how consultants walk the extra mile to become a better version of themselves, and subsequently, help the world.

The ‘Challenge Yourself’ video advertisement by BCG features two consultants and focuses on their lives outside work. One of them talks about finding time for ballet dancing and the other one discusses their passion for outdoor adventures. The ad shows that despite being consultants with hectic schedules, these people still have the energy and motivation to do physical work. And not just any physical work, but a very intense one.

YouTube video

So, what can you learn from this consulting advertisement? Well, whenever possible, give others a glimpse of your life outside work. Show them your extracurricular talents and abilities. This may not directly get you a new consulting project, but you will definitely be able to humanize your future interactions with clients.

Going for a hike next weekend? Post a picture on LinkedIn! Do you also work as a volunteer lifeguard? Shoot a short video of yourself at the beach and post it on social media. Letting your professional contacts see your personal side every once in a while is not unprofessional. Instead, it could be a great way to advertise yourself and can be a strong marketing strategy.

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