Future of Consulting > Future of Work
5 Tips to Manage Remote Teams Like a Pro
Let’s start this article with some jaw-dropping stats. A few months ago, McKinsey published the results of its ...
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Future of Consulting > Future of Work
Successfully Managing a Diverse, Geographically Dispersed Team
The digital era has seen us connecting remotely for decades now. Old friends could find each other again ...
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Future of Consulting > Future of Work
How Technical Skill Sets Have Transformed the Consultant Marketplace
It’s probably more accurate to say that the shortage of technical skill sets has transformed the marketplace. Certainly, ...
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Future of Consulting > Future of Work
How Digitalization Is Impacting Professional Services (Trends)
Digital transformation is no longer something that consultants advise their clients about. It is disrupting consulting services themselves. ...
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Future of Consulting > Future of Work
Company Quick Guide: How to Manage Remote Working Effectively?
Millions of people were working remotely even before the pandemic. But when lockdowns were imposed, a lot of ...
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Future of Consulting > Future of Work
Remote Work for Consultants – What Will Change post-COVID?
Whether you’re the type of person who likes remote work or not, the pandemic gave most of us ...
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Future of Consulting > Future of Work
The Past, Present, and Future of Remote Working
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term ‘remote work’? Most ...
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Future of Consulting > Future of Work
Opportunities for the German Economy
It is of no question that we are right in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution. Moreover, ...
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