Why is successful Agile Transformation important!

Why is successful Agile Transformation important!
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Why is successful Agile Transformation important!

They say change is as good as a holiday, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t resist it as much as possible. As much as we hate to admit it, we are creatures of habit and it’s hard to adapt to a new way of doing things. However, We need change to grow.

Currently, we are experiencing this kind of resistance when it comes to C-Suite leaders and agile transformation. And, since a company’s employees look towards their C-leaders, it is important to make them agree with the transformation. It is necessary to promote a change seeking culture within the company. It is important for management to do a successful agile transformation.

COVID Impact

Nothing has fast tracked the need for agility and change as much as the COVID 19 pandemic. It has showcased and highlighted the importance of a change seeking culture and having an agile organization. Many businesses and companies set themselves apart from the rest of the COVID business crowd. This is because the organizations were already agile, essentially preparing them for change at all times. An agile organization doesn’t operate on the premise, 'the way things are, is the way they will be' .

So Why This Resistance From C-Suite Leaders?

In business, most C-Suite leaders have been indoctrinated for years. The organizations were more concerned about its hierarchy and processes rather than competence. If you’ve spent decades leading teams and departments , where the decision isn't implemented unless the seniors agree. It can be difficult to relinquish control and make a mind shift towards smaller, more self-sustaining and independent teams within a company. In an agile organization, the flow of information shifts. It shifts from running vertically up and down a corporate ladder, to a more horizontal flow between teams.

All the “red tape” that most have been complaining about for years, ends up marking the boundaries to our C-Suite leaders’ comfort zones. The challenge is that agile transformation is not only implementing changes in a business and how it operates. But, it is actively thinking differently about things. Businesses and companies are not ignorant to this fact. This is why many call on an agile coach or another professional, offering agile consultant services to aid in this transformational shift.

“One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain.”

What Must Management Do For a Successful Agile Transformation?

There are a few things an agile coach will highlight when it comes to the question of what must management do for a successful agile transformation:

Don’t do the corporate shuffle

The old way of thinking and doing business meant that any change usually goes hand in hand with an organizational shuffle. This is also one of the biggest reasons that change drives such fear into an organization. Employees are just sitting on the edge of their office chairs waiting to get a transfer. They are transferred to another department, another branch or even retrenched whenever there are talks of change. With agile transformation, departments and teams should be set up in a way that they can drive and manage their own future development. It's based on the needs and requirements of their customers and clients.

Communication is key

One of the first things an agile coach will do is answer the question “what must management do for a successful agile transformation?”. It is the communication that has never been more critical. Firstly, uncertainty is the real killer during any transformation in an organization. The employees must be conveyed of all the changes. Secondly, the way we communicate during this time is also crucial. Many times the way we communicate changes drives uncertainty and fear. Communication regarding changes should be positive. It should give employees and staff security and offer them a chance to actively be a part of the change.

Workshop Change

An agile coach will tell you that the biggest change during agile transformation is the shift of responsibility. The accountability that each team member faces increases exponentially. Agile is all about empowering employees to become more independent. It is also to help them become an integral part of the development and growth of the company.

So if we require the change for employees, why not start with the change itself? Get everyone together and work on the change. You can have a bit of a test drive approach, where you implement certain suggestions for a period of time and then have another workshop to evaluate and amend the situation. Many professionals offering agile consultant services are skilled in these kinds of workshops.

Start throwing the ball in their court

Any company used to more traditional corporate model will have employees and staff looking towards their leaders for answers. So what must management do for a successful agile transformation? Well, firstly, provide the answers to the questions if they have them. But even more importantly, give team members the opportunity to answer the questions for themselves. Agile is all about taking responsibility for your own team, so why not start doing that as soon as possible?

Although there are a few fundamentals, when it comes to agile transformation, the answers to what must management do for a successful agile transformation always differs from organization to organization. After all, each company and business is unique. That is why it’s so imperative to get an agile coach to help during this transition period. It’s also imperative that you hire someone reputable when it comes to agile consultant services. Find out how we can help you find the perfect consultant fit here.

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