Superior Skills for Project Manager Success

Superior Skills for Project Manager Success
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Superior Skills for Project Manager Success

When working for a company, those in charge are bound to set specific tasks and projects. These projects, if completed successfully, contribute to the overall success of the organization. Companies need project managers for successful completion and effective conclusion of the projects. Their basic skill is in the process of leading a team to meet all the project's goals within certain time and budget constraints.

What Does it Take to be a Project Manager?

While skills are something a person can learn, qualities are something that a person is born with. Therefore, to survive as a project manager and thrive as one, a person requires a combination of different skills and qualities.

The 5 Qualities Your Project Manager Must Have:

  1. They must have empathy
  2. It’s people who perform well under pressure
  3. They must have integrity
  4. It’s individuals characterized by enthusiasm
  5. They are known for their competence

Skills needed for any Project Manager:

  • Risk identification
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Team-building skills
  • Delegation skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Communication skills
  • Must be able to apply the LEAN principles
  • Must be agile in their techniques
  • Technical skills

Let us take a closer look at the above mentioned skills for project manager success.

"Expect the best, plan for the worst, and always prepare to be surprised." – Denis Waitley

Risk Identification

If a project manager can't identify the risks and pitfalls of a project early on, they will trip up later. Moreover, identifying dangers in advance saves precious time and money.

Problem-solving skills

Along the project timeline, a team is sure to experience a few bumps along the way. Therefore, a project manager needs to have the skills to act quickly and solve any of these problems (whether physical or personal) between different parties.

Team Building

For any team to be successful, they need to work together. Issues may arise between team members, and it is up to the project manager to quickly iron them out before they hinder the project's success. After all, there is no "I" in the team.

Task Delegation

Everybody brings different strengths and skills to the team. It is up to the project manager to identify these and assign tasks accordingly. If the tasks have been appropriately assigned, a project manager can trust each person to get their job done, and he wouldn't have to stand over their shoulder and micromanage them at every point.


A project manager needs to take charge and drive the team to be the best team they can be. This is don along with maximizing performance. A great leader leads by example. Therefore, it is essential as a team leader to keep everybody motivated throughout the project.


It is easy for things to get lost in translation. A project manager needs to be good at communicating so that they can relay information from the top stakeholders to team members at every different level in the project. It is vital that the manager communicates the tasks, goals, expectations, responsibilities, and any necessary feedback clearly to everyone involved in the project.

The Ability to Make Decisions

In any project, the manager will have to make decisions. He needs to make them quickly so as not to disrupt the entire timeline of the project. Making the wrong decision could mean the entire project fails. Therefore, decisions should be made in a reactive yet decisive way.

LEAN Principles

Following the LEAN principles is essential for anyone when improving the efficiency in their workplace, their team, or their project. The five principles concerning project management are:

  • Define the value of the project
  • Identify the tasks that add to this value and those that don't
  • Create a flow so the project runs without interruption
  • Establish a pull-based system to meet project needs
  • Continuously improve the project until perfect.

Agile Techniques

Following agile methodology during project management is key. Agile transformation embraces change. This means the team (and the project) will excel in a collaborative, flexible, and fast-paced environment.

Technical Skills

There is no point in having a project manager that doesn't understand the theory or technology which helps to complete the project. Since a project manager needs to oversee all aspects of a project, any software and programs required fall under that.

Project Manager Key Responsibilities

The skills for project manager effectiveness are crucial for them to complete a project successfully. But, it’s also essential for its key responsibilities to go off without a hitch. In summary, the timely delivery of a project is the ultimate project manager responsibility. However, there are lots of other project manager key responsibilities that go on behind the scenes to ensure that the goals are met on time:

  • Understanding project objectives and communicating them to the team
  • Gathering any resources needed for the project
  • Effectively conversing with project stakeholders
  • Developing a project timeline
  • Ensuring the team sticks to the schedule
  • Making sure the project is of top quality
  • Monitoring project costs against the budget
  • Giving the final stamp of approval on all work done during the project
  • Ensuring the goals and objectives have been met

Project Manager vs Program Manager

It is unlikely that a company is rolling out one individual project at a time. Most of the time, a company has multiple projects going on. Although the definitions of project and program are relatively similar, there are numerous differences when comparing a project manager vs program manager. The program manager oversees all the projects and ensures the success of all of them. Project managers manage one specific project and its timely delivery within the entire program. A program manager needs to think of the bigger picture, and a project manager focuses on one thing. When comparing a project manager vs program manager, they differ in four main aspects: Purpose, Roadmaps, Responsibilities, and Metrics. Every project manager brings their own unique skill set and personality to the table. However, the skills discussed in this article will help them be the best project manager they can be.

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