01. Project objective
The client needed aB2B Sales performance expert to optimize the sales activities of a B2B services provider. This comprised changes in terms of talent, processes and tools.
02. Approach
In order to identify areas for improvement, the project started with a review of the sales team and all sales-related workflows, processes and tools. The consultant also suggested analyzing the software in use in the company, and observing the practical day-to-day work in the sales team in order to understand practices and guidelines. On the basis of the findings the project was to finally establish improved processes and suggest new guidelines.
03. Results
The project successfully conducted reviews of the sales team and the workflows established in the sales department. On the basis of a thorough review, they reconfigured the sales and CRM software currently in use. Moreover, this was to optimize the workflow. Moreover, the consultant provided actionable advice and recommendations for the sales team to maximize their output and improve both team satisfaction as well as customer experience.
They developed a set of new, comprehensive sales guidelines and the introduction of revised processes for the outbound and inbound sales teams to push productivity and optimize sales.Â
Last but not least, by coaching the team lead, the consultant established a new process that insures that the team is kept up to date with sales strategies and trends through continuous training and education of all sales team members.
04. Feedback
âThis project was an eye-opener. We would have never believed that there was still so much potential for improvement.â
(Board of Directors)