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Post Merger Integration (PMI): Tools, Strategies & Key Considerations

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Post Merger Integration (PMI): Tools, Strategies & Key Considerations

Learn about key considerations, avoid common mistakes and utilize practical strategies to better plan and execute your post-merger integration.

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  • Common challenges during the PMI process

  • Key considerations for PMI planning

  • Practical strategies for PMI implementation

  • Best Practices & Case Study

Standing at above 70%, the M&A failure rate is exceptionally high, and with good reasons.

Post-merger integration (PMI) is the strategic process of combining operations, finances, and cultures of two separate companies into one new entity. As the integral part of an M&A transaction, how well the PMI process is planned and executed directly impacts the success of the merger, and companies are taking notice. According to PwC, 59% of companies are spending 6% or more of deal value on integration in 2022, compared to 38% previously. 

In this guide, we first explore common reasons behind failed merger integrations. Then, we dive into key considerations during integration planning and provide practical strategies to ensure implementation success. Finally, we offer several best practices to help you navigate the integration process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The main contributors to PMI failures include short-term perspectives of leaders, poor communication, cultural clash and talent loss.

A well-rounded 100-day plan should articulate initiatives to realize business synergies, ensure smooth communication, retain top talent and mitigate potential risk. The 100-day plan should also include a Day-1 checklist to ensure a smooth start of the transition.

Identify Key Stakeholders → Identify Key Milestones → Set up Governance Structures → Develop a Deal Narrative → Develop a Communication Plan → Monitor, Assess & Adjust

When selecting PMI consultants, make sure they possess case-specific experience and expertise. They should also come with great project governance skills and be excellent communicators.

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