, From B2B Service to Data-Driven Service Provider


  • Project Industry: B2B service provider

  • Functional topic: Data strategy

  • Needed support: Data strategist with business view

  • Duration: 3 months

01. Project objective

The client wanted to scale their business and develop a strategy to turn a B2B service into a data-driven company.

02. Approach

In order to develop a strategic plan that would scale the company from a B2B service provider to a business that was built on data and operated in a data-driven way, the project had to start at the most basic level: assessing requirements and resources. Once the requirements for transforming into a data-driven company were defined, the project identified the resources that needed to be developed both internally and externally. Drilling down into the technology set-up, the project made a comprehensive list of the technological prerequisites. This included recommendations on architecture, data warehouse, tools and tech. 

Lastly, the project identified the appropriate data streams and tracking mechanisms for successful data-driven operations.

03. Results

The project delivered a comprehensive and actionable strategy for the transformation of the client’s business into a data-driven company. To kick of the process, the project defined the requirements, technologies and tools needed for successful transformation. The board of management of the client company was also equipped with a decision memorandum that detailed the strategy and contained the pros and cons of the suggested transformation prior to implementation and recommended a course of action on the critical decisions necessary for the digital transformation of the client’s business.

04. Feedback

Thanks to the project we were able to take a step closer to our vision of converting our B2B service into a data-driven powerhouse.

(Managing Director)